There are two types of people that will come into your life. One who will help you accomplish your goals or one who will hinder you from accomplishing your goals. I look at them as your wings. The one who hinders you make you bold and strong because of the harsh lessons you'll learn. This wing gives you strength to overcome obstacles & challenges. The one who helps you gives you comfort and repose, you understand they were placed in your life as a gift from Allah. Ever notice a plane using the most force when it takes off but after it reaches its targeted altitude its smoothe sailing? That's how I look at these two wings. They balance you and give you that extra power to take off but eventually Allah will clip that wing that hinders you and replace it with another helper so that you will soar in peace and harmony like you never did before. Embrace every part of your journey, the one who helps and the one who hinders.
I thank my dad Imam Siraj Wahhaj. He is definitely a wing who helps me. When I was a little girl my dad took me and my siblings along with him to do his fiery speeches and powerful lectures. At that age I didn't know the magnitude of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, I just looked forward to the road trips and the free food we ate at the various venues. One thing I will always remember though is my dad used to always pound the podium when he spoke to an audience. I wasn't paying attention to what he saying most of the time during those days but he always seem to catch and hold my attention along with the audiences when he did that.
Now, today my passion for Change, my hopes and aspirations to uplift the banner of Islam is a direct result of this wing Allah sent to me. Thank you dad, mom, my sisters and brothers, Tahirah Talib- Din, and all the wings sent to strengthen and help me reach my fullest potential. May your paths be filled with love, peace, joy, and success.
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this is so interesting :)
ReplyDeletecan you please continue updating this blog?
Sure!! Thank you sweetheart