Today I attended my sister's annual ceremony which awards scholarships to students who resembled Basma in character and academic achievement and Mashallah we were able to get a picture of the tree they planted in her name. In honor of my sister Basma T Wahhaj, I wanted to repost this article with The Basma T Wahhaj Tree. I hope you guys like it and Please remember me in your dua. I sure can use it!
Asalamu alaikum my Beloved Souls,
For many of you who know me personally, know that I'm pretty cheerful and laugh alot because research shows 1 minute of anger weakens the immune system for 5 hours while 1 minute of laughter boosts the immune system for 24 hours. But today, I was inspired to share with you a personal story that still affects The Wahhaj family to this day. Allow me to open up to you in a way which will probably be a one time only thing, as this blog Insha'Allah will continue to be lighthearted and fun.
My sister Basma Wahhaj, Subhanallah was truly one of a kind. She always, I mean, always smiled. She spoke good words or remained silent. Her heart, Mashallah was pure as it was reflected in her deeds and character and everyone bore witness to this. Everywhere we went people that knew her said only good things about her and to this day it has been 100% consistent, Alhamdulillah.
My sister Basma Wahhaj gave birth to her daughter Maryam Sakinah Hinson, 16 years ago. After delivery, Basma suffered from post partum depression, something that affects most mothers shortly after the birth of their child. She was sleep deprived, had fatigue, and eventually loss touch with reality because of the prolonged lack of sleep. Basma started scaring us when she began saying things like "I'm ready to have the baby" and "I'm ready to go the hospital". My mother's concern peaked when the calls she received from Basma in the middle of the night started increasing. "She didn't sound like herself" my mother maintained, so my mom decided we needed to all chip in to help Basma adjust to her new title of motherhood and thought it would be best if she stayed with us until her postpartum subsided. My mom called everybody to her house and we spent the next couple of days and nights caring for her and her new bright-eyed baby girl. Allah fashioned it, that we all got to spend the last days with our beloved Sr Basma Wahhaj filled with joy and happiness. Although, she laughed and smiled with us we knew she wasn't 100% fully present because she was doing some strange things.
One night Basma woke up out of her sleep saying, La illaha illah lah Muhammad dur rasulullah, Allah give me Sakinah, La illaha illah lah Muhammad dur rasulullah, Allah give me Sakinah. She just kept saying it over and over again. We all woke up and was trying to talk to her but she wouldn't respond. She just kept trying to get to her daughter Maryam who was in the crib in my mother's room. La illaha illah lah Muhammad dur rasulullah, Allah give me Sakinah as she tried to push pass my mother with extra force to get to her daughter. My mother was scared she was going to hurt the baby, but we realized Basma was only trying to say goodbye because she knew she was leaving the Earth that day and she probably just wanted to hold her one last time . Subhanallah, tears are filling my eyes this very moment just thinking about that emotional day. I watched the love of a dying mom try to use her last bit of force and energy just to look at her baby girl one last time, Subhanallah Ya Allah please grant her Jannah tul-Firdaus.
My mom woke up my sister and brother-in-law as they quickly got Basma into the car and headed to the hospital. My brothers and sisters and I waited and waited and waited for hours, but got no word. We prayed and worried and prayed some more. Finally, several hours later, I heard my mom outside crying. My mother had her share of crying in her life, but I never ever saw my mother cry like this before. It was like her soul was crying. I flew down the stairs to find out what happened as I didn't see Basma get out of the car. When I got down stairs my mother could not speak, she just sat down on the couch with tears streaming down her face. My sister told us that Basma didn't make it to the hospital, that she kept repeatng the shahadah until she was quiet and still. When they reached the hospital, she was blue in color and gone. That day, was like no other day we've ever experienced. I can't explain to you what we felt. It's like we were hit with a fast tornado with no preparations or warning, Subhanallah.
The support of the Ummah was unbelievable. The news traveled faster then you could ever imagine. People were in and out of our home offering everything under the Sun in support of our loss. The phone calls didn't stop. It was unbelievable. We gathered the strength to perform her Janazaa which was packed from wall to wall. I could tell my dad was trying to be strong for us but he enlisted another Imam to be present at her Janazaa just in case he couldn't go through with it as he was going to perform it. Subhanallah the next days, weeks, months, would be filled with us trying to adjust, be supportive to our mother, and figure out how we would help to raise this beautiful new born left without her mom.
The school she attended started a scholarships in her name which is given to a student who resembles her in character and academia achievements every year, called The Basma T Wahhaj Scholarship Award. Her school also planted a tree in her name which is on campus and fully blossoming. (I'll upload a picture at another time insha'allah). Her school also cleared her debt on their own because they absolutely loved Basma. They said she impacted students and teachers and left a positive long-lasting affect on their campus, one that they will never forget, Subhanallah. Her daughter Maryam sakinah Hinson, for those of you who know her Alhamdulillah, knows she has a beautiful soul, caring, compassionate, and really really really fears and loves Allah. Subhanallah, when I speak to her I forget sometimes that I'm speaking to a 16 year old. She's sharp, humble, and so concerned with others, but she misses her mom. She always asks about her character. She tries to hide it but she has a sadness in her because she never met her mom. You can tell when people are sad. They don't even have to open their mouth. This is why I make it my business to spend as much time as I can with her to encourage, support, and motivate her. She loves Allah dearly and I stress that Allah loves her too, but I was saddened when she told me years ago, that she thought Allah didn't love her because if He did why did He take away her mom. Alhamdulillah, she was really young then, now she's alot older and understands. Everyone loves her, and I believe Allah has a special plan for her. Please keep her in your dua's because helping a servant like that could only get you good deeds as Allah says He helps those who helps his righteous servants and fight against those who fight against His righteous servants.
I wanted to share with you guys because although my sister died at a young age 21, and one week after her childbirth she left a long lasting impact on this Earth. Look at all the Sadaqah Jariyah (continued good deeds on your account even though you're no longer alive) she's receiving : A righteous child who makes dua for her, A tree and a scholarship which continues to benefit others although she is no longer alive, she passed away in childbirth (which is considered a Shahadah who goes straight to Paradise), and she was able to say the Kalimah Shahadah in her last moment (also a sign that she goes straight to Paradise). SUBHANALLAH, and this is just what Allah revealed to us, who knows what other blessing lies between her and Allah.
You guys, I want to ask you today what will they say about you when you're gone? Seriously ask yourself, what will they say about your character? Remember, when a person passes away, whatever the people say about him, the Angels say Amin for 40 days. For some of us our Islam is in our clothes or speech, we pride ourselves on the outside but the inside sucks. There are some sisters who passed away who I thought were righteous especially because of their outer appearance and after they passed away I couldn't believe the horrible things I've heard about them. May Allah save us. Allah sees what happens behind closed doors. We can fool each other with eloquent speech but we can never fool Allah. Sometimes, Allah exposes us in dreams. Subhanallah, I had very specific dreams about people whom I know personally and respect and others who I don't know personally about things that I later found out were true. May Allah save us.
How many years do you think you will get? What are you spending your time doing? If someone who you respect right now was to sit with you all day and observe your character, what would they say about you. If you have a secret camera hidden in your home that would later be displayed on national television in front of everyone would you honestly be content? Of course we won't. We're human, we're not perfect. But are we trying? Do we have sincere intentions? Are we amongst those whom Allah speaks about who always leave good everywhere they go? What will the Earth say about you when you leave?
My brothers and sisters we don't know when Allah will call us home. If Allah blesses you with a trust such as husbands, wives, children, parents, etc please honor your trusts from Him. We are only loans to each other, we belong to Allah. If you borrowed your car from a friend wouldn't you return it with a full tank, polished, in tiptop shape? So why do we beat each other down, tear each other up and return each other to Allah in worse condition then when He gave them to us? Please brothers and sisters, use my sisters example as an encouraging one. If you haven't up until now, start today to look at your heart in full honesty and ask yourself what is it's condition? If you don't know whats in your heart look at your actions, the answer is there. How much longer do you have? Better yet, if Allah called you home today and said I'll give you Jannah, but in order to get Jannah I'm going to send someone new to Earth who will be your ticket to Jannah. This person will talk, speak, think, and act just like you. They will deal and interact with people in the same manner as you. You will watch this person but can say nothing. How would you feel watching this person everyday, hopeful or hopeless. Guess what, you have the chance today. Watch yourself, check yourself, address your issues so that you will also leave your mark once Allah calls you home.
Thank you for allowing me to share. I hope I inspired you in some way. Please make dua for my family we are continuously making dua for you.
Until we meet again....Happy Blogging!
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